Hello workplace…

Originally posted 23/11/2013

So, time to update the blog. I know, I’m lazy, it’s been a while. But I’ve been busy! I’m really going to try and keep this more up to date from now on; just looking at it today has made me realise just how little of the last six months have made it onto this blog.

Like with most other people, I told my bosses months ago via email. I’d told two female colleagues beforehand, reasoning that it would be good to have a couple of people on my side, but I needn’t have worried; my employers were pretty unperturbed by the whole thing. I’m lucky that I work in a creative industry; people are generally judged on their skill rather than their looks or lifestyle. So after the email, I went for lunch with the two company directors, and we talked about the road ahead. They reiterated their support, and a few weeks later took the remaining member of staf (it’s a small team) to one side to explain the situation to him.

There’s little more to say about it. I realise that not everyone in my position is as lucky as me, and on some forums I regularly read about people being ‘let go’ for apparently unrelated reasons that don’t ring true. On top of that, I had a couple of colleagues who were hugely supportive. One of them was only the second person I ever told about my GD, and to be frank, I doubt I’d be where I am now without her help.

Pretty boring eh? Sometimes though, boring is exactly what’s needed.

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